If you are a very successful businessman, you are probably traveling whole around the world to the various destinations. Most of the times, you are just meeting some contractors for a lunch in there, and rest of the weekend you may waste for some your around town. Most of the big cities in the world has some interesting tourist attractions, so it good to get know anything about each town you are going to visit. You are going to capital of Moldova? Or maybe you are planning to flight to the Milan for a meeting? Here are couple interesting things about each city.

Chisinau is very big city, but it is not very conventional tourist destination. Although since they have a big airport with a huge international connections, some travelers are starting to visiting this spot. If you are recalling the times back in nineties in Poland, you are probably think about it in nostalgic way. Well, in the Chisinau, time has stop in this period. The buildings are ruined but have a lot of charm. Old ladies are wearing colorful scarfs on their hats, like your grandmother probably use to wear. Citizens are doing their shopping on the street markets, there is a lot of fresh vegetables and meats straight from the villages available. There are a few malls, but too expensive for inhabitants. And the interesting thing about landscape in this capital, are phone booths – they are almost everywhere. Despite of cell phones, citizens are still using this relics as a main type of communication. prague-743674_640

One of the most popular business flight, is Warsaw Milan connection – check the website. A lot of people from Poland are having contractors in there, and even now and then, they have to visit them. if you are going to this beautiful place for a first time, you need to spare some time for a tour. First of all, it has the most beautiful, and one of the largest, Cathedral in the entire world. It was build in the beginning of the fifteenth century in Gothic style. it majestic tall towers looks very phenomenal. And the inside is as much beautiful as the outside. A lot of interesting stained glasses and paintings, most of the interior design was made in Baroque style. Each tourist can enter inside, but beware to wear proper clothes, it is a temple after all.

If you are choosing Warsaw Milan connection, you will be able to admire spectacular, rich city in the North side of the Italy. A lot of nice buildings and interesting museum. in the other hand, Chisinau is the best city for all those, who like to have a nostalgic trip to the post PRL times.